We are all Born intuitive. We come into this world with a deep connection to the world of Spirit. In our younger years we have no conditioning or filter and are generally most connected to our psychic abilities, its around the age of 8-10 years old, we begin to become more disconnected from our psychic abilities due to a multitude of reasons. It is often dependent on support from family group and resources available, how connected children remain to their innate abilities and unique connection to the spirit world. Some may continue to develop their intuitive gifts. Others, re- discover their intuitive gifts and psychic ability later in life.
I have created this mentorship to be customized to you, to help you uncover your own unique connection to the spirit world and your intuition. I see our psychic and mediumistic abilities as a gift to develop and strengthen like a muscle to help us navigate and better understand our own connection to the spirit world and our human experience.
Some of the things We will cover in our time working together is as follows, but it is completely customizable to you.
Determining the way you best connect with Spirit what tools you are most drawn to utilizing if any
The Mentorship runs Approximately 8 weeks, With weekly zoom calls and email and text support between. Calls are focused on didactic and interactive work, as well as support and integration of practices. Also the opportunity to work with other prior and current mentees and safe space to practice techniques may be provided though small group practice circles and or small sessions with 1:2 support, as well as opportunities for those who are looking to strengthen mediumistic and psychic abilities to participate as a observer/sitter in an advanced closed practice circle, with other advanced working mediums. Watching others work can be incredibly helpful in understanding ones own development, so I do my best to provide opportunities for observation and learning for those specifically wanting to enhance mediumistic/ psychic connection.
This is a space that is open anyone, primarily focused on foundational aspects of spiritual development, geared to someone who is just starting out on their intuitive development journey, from those just wanting to understand their own psychic and mediumistic connection but don’t want to actively practice. No matter where you fall on this spectrum there is great benefit from getting to understand this aspect of the self .
Ready to Dive in?